ClaimsAdvisor Story

ClaimsAdvisor was created to help people, who suffered catastrophic property damage, to get the money they deserve from their insurance companies, enabling them to rebuild their lives.


The Reality of Property Damage Claims

Property owners live with a false sense of security. They buy a Property Insurance Policy from their agent who tells them “You’re in Good Hands” or “Like a Good Neighbor” or a similar catchy slogan. They get some papers called a Policy, stick it in a drawer somewhere, never read it, pay their premiums and go about their lives without giving a second thought to their Property Insurance Policy.

And when their Property suffers damage from wind and hail, fire and lightning, water damage and freezing, and theft and vandalism, they panic and reality sets in.


The Founder

Joe Perez is a Public Adjuster in Florida who conceived and created ClaimsAdvisor while serving stricken Property owners who were not prepared to fight a Claim.

Amid the emotional and financial turmoil after a kitchen fire, the financial loss after a warehouse robbery, or the destruction of a dwelling after a hurricane, the Property owner could not find the Insurance Policy and had not documented the personal and business articles damaged with a photo inventory and receipts before the damage occurred. Joe’s clients realized that recovery could be worse than the actual event.

These real life experiences were the genesis for ClaimsAdvisor. Joe devoted considerable time searching for on-line resources to help his clients and surprisingly, found no service nationally that could quickly address his client’s needs in a time of crisis. So Joe went to work laying out the foundation for ClaimsAdvisor… What if the Insurance Policy and photos of the Property, including the interior and contents, plus important documents such as invoices and receipts, could be securely stored in the Cloud? What if a Property Policyholder could activate a “Claim Alert” the moment Property Damage occurred knowing that professional help would be calling within 30 minutes? What if this service could be available to all Policyholders nationwide?

Armed with the experience of 30 years working as a business troubleshooter uncovering, investigating and solving construction, financial and management deficiencies at multinational corporations in the United States, Europe and Latin America prior to becoming a Public Adjuster, Joe possessed the knowledge and expertise to bring ClaimsAdvisor to market.


Don't wait. Act now.

Once the damage is done. It's too late.

Protect your property claims today. Sign up now- it only takes a few minutes to get started!
